Make sure you know and use the first name of the person you are inviting for the outside envelope.

*  Do not use any abbreviations except for Mr., Mrs., Ms., Jr., and Sr.

*  Do not use the middle initial of the people you are inviting.

*  If you have an outside and an inside envelope, "and Guest" is written on the inside envelope only. "And family"  should not be written on the outside envelope.  Write out the names of the children on the inside envelope.

* Do not use professional designations such as Esq., M.D., or PhD. 

*  Do not mail your wedding invitation to a work address, if possible.

*  Need a zip code, use this web site:

*  Do not use zip+4 on your envelope.


   Addressing Etiquette



Outside Envelope

Inside Envelope

Married Couple Mr. and Mrs. James Winter Mr. and Mrs. Winter
Married Couple with children Mr. and Mrs. James Winter Mr. and Mrs. Winter
under the age of 18 Christopher and Kelly
Two  daughters over The Misses Winter The Misses Winter
18 living at home or  Miss Susan Winter
  Miss Jacqueline Winter
Two sons over 18 The Messrs. Winter The Messrs. Winter
living at home or Mr. Gregory Winter
Mr. Scott Winter
with a son and a daughter  Miss Susan Winter Miss Winter
over 18 living at home Mr. Scott Winter Mr. Winter
Married Woman kept Maiden Name Ms. Carolyn Left and  Ms. Left and Mr. Winter
  Mr. James Winter
Man - Doctor Doctor and Mrs. James Winter Doctor and Mrs. Winter
Both Doctors Doctor and Mrs. James Winter Doctor and Mrs. Winter
or   The Doctors Winter The Doctors Winter
or   Doctor James Winter and 
      Doctor Melissa Winter (on same line)
Woman - Doctor Mr. and Mrs. James Winter Mr. and Mrs. Winter
or Doctor Melissa Winter and  Doctor Winter and Mr. Winter
Mr. James Winter (on same line)
Man - Judge The Honorable and Mrs. James Winter Judge and Mrs. Winter
Woman - Judge Mr. and Mrs. James Winter Mr. and Mrs. Winter
or The Honorable Melissa Winter  Judge Winter and Mr. Winter
and Mr. James Winter (on same line)
Lawyers - one of both Mr. and Mrs. James Winter Mr. and Mrs. Winter
Unmarried Couple - living together Miss (or Ms.) Melissa Winter Miss (or Ms.) Winter
Mr. James Winter Mr. Winter
Divorced Woman Mrs. Melissa Winter Mrs. Winter
  Ms. Melissa Winter Ms. Winter
Divorced Woman - maiden name Ms. Melissa Left Ms. Left
Widow Mrs. Melissa Winter Mrs. Winter
Single Woman Miss or Ms. Melissa Winter Miss or Miss Winter
Single woman with a Guest Miss Melissa Winter
Ms. Melissa Winter
Miss Winter and Escort
Ms. Winter and Escort
Miss Winter and Guest
Ms. Winter and Guest
Single Man Mr. James Winter Mr. Winter
Single man with a Guest Mr. James Winter  Mr. Winter and Guest

Purchase the Crane's Wedding Blue Book for further information on proper etiquette.